Professional Brick Surface Restoration 

Brick Restoration

Bricks last a long time, but they occasionally need a little work to keep up their appearance. Over time, brick accumulate environmental contaminates. This dulls the look of the brick, making them look old and discolored. With proper restoration techniques, we can restore you bricks so they look like the day they were installed. 

Surface Resto’s restoration techniques can be used on building exteriors, interiors, chimneys, fireplaces, and other brick surfaces. We are also not limited to just removing environmental contaminates from bricks. Rust, paint, graffiti and anything else covering up your beautiful brick surfaces will not stand a chance against Surface Resto’s superior method of Brick restoration. A proper restoration process will make you bricks look like new!  

However, just blasting bricks with a power washer is not the best solution. Bricks are a sensitive surface and must be cared for properly to prevent further damage to the brick and accidental removal of mortar between the bricks.  


We accomplish this by using a multitude of state of the art low pressure restoration process’s depending on the required needs. We offer environmentally friendly dust free wet abrasive and dry abrasive sandblasting, soda blasting, walnut shell blasting, recycled glass blasting. glass bead blasting, dry ice blasting, shot blasting and more.

In fact, the only time where high pressure is still recommended is when cleaning concrete or steel. All materials that Surface Resto uses for our restoration processes are environmentally friendly and some are even recyclable.  


To learn more about brick restorations, give us a call at (631) 655-8700, send us an email at

Brick Restoration Gallery

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